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home treatment

Mike is able to offer the unique service of providing physiotherapy at home to clients in and around the Barnsley area. This allows him the opportunity to make an assessment in a familiar environment. By doing this he can identify and address any specific difficulties you may be experiencing. He can also assess your outdoor mobility and address any issues you have with accessing the community environment. Please see his range of treatments:

Radial Shockwave Therapy

A highly effective treatment for tendon-related pain.


Manipulation is a passive technique where the therapist applies a specifically directed manual impulse, or thrust, to a joint, at or near the end of the passive (or physiological) range of motion.

Sports Massage
Sports Injury

The application of sports massage, prior to and after exercise, may enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury.

Acupuncture close up

A system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points. It is used to treat various physical and mental conditions.


 The Kinesio Taping® Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints

Therapeutic Ultra-Sound

Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to treat medical problems, especially musculoskeletal problems such as inflammation from injuries.

Functional Movement Systems

Using 7 functional moments, FMS recognizes movement patterns that support work, sports and daily activities.

TRX Suspension Training

A system of training that supports  fitness, helping you to move better, feel better, and live better

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