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"At the beginning the pain in the base of my foot was that bad that I couldn’t put my foot flat onto the ground. Shockwave treatment is hard to describe but the best way I can think is a similar pain to a tattoo. We started on a low setting and within two/three weeks of treatment I could feel the difference and the pain began to ease, towards the 5th or 6th week I could put my foot flat and the pain I was feeling throughout the treatment was almost non-existent-  I would recommend this treatment to everyone! But I would say you have to be patient! The results will speak for themselves!"

"I would just like to leave you a few comments regarding the shockwave therapy. When I was first diagnosed with Achilles tendonitis the pain I was experiencing was a 9/10 and I couldn’t partake in my usual hobbies which include Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and snowboarding. After my first session of shockwave therapy the pain level was reduced to around a 6/10 and I was able to do some snowboarding but no MMA. After my 4th and final session and up to present I don’t have any pain at all. I would highly recommend this treatment to anyone who is experience this type of pain. Absolutely brilliant."


"I thought that a small twinge my buttock whilst building an alpine garden would pass. Four days later I began to suffer real pain as my sciatic nerve felt raw. I could not get in or out of bed without extreme discomfort, nor could I stand straight or negotiate stairs! I called Mike – he made the first house call barely an hour later. A thorough examination confirmed damage to my “glutes”! Massaging away the tightness, stretching muscles I had not used for years, making me work. There were times on Mike’s bench that quite unusually I began to sweat due to the exertion. Often gripping the bench as if enduring a white-knuckle ride! Then the exercise ball arrived! After a few sessions and a series of daily exercises, I have gained good posture; strength and best of all the pain is gone. Mike made what was initially a very painful event into a new, learning experience. His expertise and good humour made it less traumatic than expected!" 



"His level of expertise and the kind professionalism he uses to engage with his patients. When in pain you need someone you know you can trust to make you feel better. Mike Davis does this so well."



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